Here notation used functional matrix notation. The spacetime variables $x_1,x_2,...$ will be denoted by $1,2,...$. For example $\int dx_1$ will be denoted by $\int_1 $ and the fermion propagator $S(x_1,x_2)$ will be denoted by $S_{12}$ and so on.
Let $Z$ be the partition function for qed, $\mathcal A$ the action and $S^{-1}$ the inverse fermion propagator.
In this paper Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Electrodynamics its showed that
$$\int \mathcal{D}\bar{\psi}\mathcal{D}\psi\mathcal{D}A\Bigg\{\delta_{12}+\int_3{\bar{\psi_2}S^{-1}_{13}\psi_3}-e\int_{34}{V_{134}\bar{\psi_2}\psi_3}A_4\Bigg\}\exp{(-\mathcal A})=0 \tag{4.2}$$
Substituting the field product $\bar{\psi_2}$ $\psi_3$ by functional derivatives with respect to the electron kernel $S^{-1}_{13}$ they arrived to
$$\delta_{12}Z +\int_3{S^{-1}_{3} \frac{\delta}{S^{-1}_{23}}Z} -e\int_{34}{V_{134}\frac{\delta}{S^{-1}_{23}}}\bigg[\langle\hat A_4\rangle Z\bigg]=0 \tag{4.3}$$ My question is why they substituted the field $A_4$ by the expectation value $\langle\hat A_4\rangle$?