Can we explain the above case with the help of just forces without using any result like "Angular Momentum Conservation? I think that will give us more insights into what is exactly happening.
Well, yes and no. Because with angular conservation laws, you can just say that $L = L$, which means that $I_1 \omega_1 = I_2 \omega_2$, and then you can do some math on the back of an envelope, and you're done. This is why conservation laws are so very nice -- you can often reduce a problem immensely using them.
So I'm not going to do all the math, because I'm lazy and because I have the appropriate conservation law. But in general, let the skater's initial rotational velocity be $\omega_1$. Then their hands are moving at a speed $\omega_1 r_1$, where $r_1$ is the distance from their hands to their axis of rotation. As they pull in their arms, $r$ will decrease; this means that their rotating body will try to slow their hands down (because if $\frac{dr}{dt} < 0$ then so is $\omega \frac{dr}{dt} < 0$). That "trying to slow their hands down" will translate to them exerting a tangential force on their hands, which means that their hands will exert a tangential force on their body, which means that their body will speed up.
Note that I've gone from two short equations to a long paragraph and I'm not done yet.
If you were going to calculate this exactly, you'd have to account for the fact that there is mass that is distributed along their arms, and that their rotational velocity is changing at the same time that their arms are pulling in, etc., etc. You'd end up with a partial differential equation which, if I'm not mistaken (someone is welcome to correct me), is nonlinear as well. You will consume pages and pages to do the math, and when you are done, you will get the same result as just doing two simple short equations.
So, you're welcome to it. I'll just thank God* that we live in a universe that is rotationally symmetric and unchanging with time**, and I'll do the two lines of math. If I do need to compute, say, the forces involved in expanding and shrinking a spinning top, then I won't formulate some giant equation that solves for $\omega$ -- I'll find that using conservation of momentum over time, then I'll find $\frac{d\omega}{dt}$ at any time, then I'll use that to find any tangential forces I need to solve for.
* or random chance, or the Universal Creator of your choice
** And Emily Noerther for pointing out that the consequence of these is conservation of rotational momentum and energy