In Jackson's "Classical Electrodynamics" third edition in section 3.9 page 121 while explaining a Green function expansion the following equation is attained:
$ \frac{1}{r}\frac{d^2}{dr^2}(rg_l(r,r')) - \frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}g_l(r,r')=-4π\delta(r-r') $ $(eq.1)$
which for the relevant boundary conditions has as the solution
$C(r_<^l-\frac{a^{2l+1}}{r_<^{l+1}})(\frac{1}{r_>^{l+1}}-\frac{r_>^{l}}{b^{2l+1}}) $ $(eq2)$
then to obtain the constant $C$ he multiplies $eq1$ by $r$ and integrates from $r'-\epsilon$ to $r'+\epsilon$ but for some reason completely leaves out the $2$nd term as if it integrates to zero or something... This has been bothering me for a while since I had to use this method a couple of times in the exercises and often I had to ignore some term but I don't understand why this is the case...
something i thought of while writing: maybe to get the constant I just have to consider the $l=0$ case or something? but then why are there $l$s in the solution?