From the $SU(3)$ flavour symmetry we have quantum numbers for the up, down and strange quark, associated with the Eigenvalues of the Gell-Mann matrices $\lambda_3$ and $\lambda_8$. Namely $\lambda_3$ gives $I_3$ and $\lambda_8$ gives $Y$.
As I understand it there is no $SU(6)$ symmetry covering every quark flavour due to the large mass differences between the quarks. How then do these heavier quarks have a hyper charge if they are not part of the triplet and so cannot act on these operators?
My initial thought was that these heavier quarks transformed under some U(1) and you could write each quark in a sextuplet where the heavier quarks act on the identity. I.e. that the operator associated with hypercharge would be $$ \hat Y \propto \begin{bmatrix}\lambda_8&\\&I_{3x3}\end{bmatrix} $$ But as the heavier quarks have no isospin this would require $$ \hat I_3 \propto \begin{bmatrix}\lambda_3&\\&\textbf{0}\end{bmatrix} $$ which seems to invalidate this idea as there doesn't seem to be a clear reason from this argument why isospin should be zero if hyper charge is non zero. Something like there can only be one quantum number associated with a $U(1)$ symmetry perhaps? Any corrections to my assumptions or explanation would be appreciated.