I'm a newbie to String Theory.
String Theory says there are extra dimensions apart from the 4 known ones (space and time).
Even if the extra dimensions are very small, what makes the theory say they can't be located in a room saying their coordinates are $(x, y, z)$ at this $t$ time? Any analogies, since this is beyond my imagination.
If there are dimensions, shouldn't we / anything else be able to travel in them without even touching the other coordinates like $x, y, z$ and time?
Thanks for the answers ! But i would like further clarity . The main point of asking this question was the following :
The extra dimensions are extremely small, which i can imagine with no issues. But i would like to know why they (extra dimensions) cannot be just expressed as say infitesimally small 'pockets' at say (x,y,z) in space.
For example, I have a very small object at (7,0,0); anywhere this object moves in x axis; we can never use y and z axis to point it's location; making x axis 'unique'. Similarly for y and z axis. They are 'unique'.
So if the other space dimensions exist in our 3D space , they should be somewhere in (x,y,z) , which doesn't make them unique, right ?