This paper, acquired from this question about tethers on the Moon, describes LADDER, a mission to deploy a Lunar Space Elevator [LSE].
The space tether, made of Zylon fiber, would be 264,000 km long, erected from the lunar surface, passing the L1 lagrange point with a counterweight in deep cislunar space.
Now imagine a 356,000 km long Zylon pipeline extending from the surface of the Moon through the L1 point to a compressor station at its end, hanging just above Earth's atmosphere.
To be able to transport gas through the pipeline towards the Moon, it would have to be compressed at certain intervals because of the gravity of the Earth.
Supposing that the compressors, being part of the pipeline, would each compress the gas from 1 to 10 bars, what would be the distances of those compressors between each other, accounting for both the gravities of the Earth and the Moon ?
To make the calculation somewhat easier, we can suppose that between two successive compressors the gravities of both the Earth and the Moon don't change with distance and that the pipeline is frictionless for the gas.