On page 22 of Sean Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry, he says that tensors can act on other tensors and gives the following example:
$$ U^{\mu}_{\nu} = T^{\mu \rho}_{\sigma} S^{\sigma}_{\rho \nu}$$
where $T$ is a (2,1) tensor, $S$ is a (1,2) tensor, and $U$ is a (1,1) tensor.
I was trying to understand the derivation of this in terms of the tensor basis form: $$ T = T^{\mu \rho}_{\sigma} \hat{e}_{\mu}\otimes \hat{e}_{\rho}\otimes \hat{\theta}^{\sigma}, \; \; S = S^{\sigma}_{\rho \nu} \; \hat{e}_{\sigma}\otimes \hat{\theta}^{\rho} \otimes \hat{\theta}^{\nu} $$ where $\{ \hat{e}_{\mu} \}$ is the basis for the vector space and $\{ \hat{\theta}^{\mu} \}$ is the basis for the dual vector space.
Then, $TS = T^{\mu \rho}_{\sigma} S^{\sigma}_{\rho \nu} \; (\hat{e}_{\mu}\otimes \hat{e}_{\rho}\otimes \hat{\theta}^{\sigma}) (\hat{e}_{\sigma}\otimes \hat{\theta}^{\rho} \otimes \hat{\theta}^{\nu}).$ But I'm not sure how to proceed from here.