How can I turn vodka into a solid?
If I boil it, and then cool completely, will it still be a liquid?
Is there any way to turn vodka to a solid?
How can I turn vodka into a solid?
If I boil it, and then cool completely, will it still be a liquid?
Is there any way to turn vodka to a solid?
Try freezing the vodka. The freezing point of ethanol (alcohol) is -114C, water freezes at 0C. Typical vodka is 40% alcohol and most of the remaining 60% is water so its freezing point is in between the two, typically about -27C. The exact temperature depends on the amount of alcohol in the vodka. As your freezer is only about -18C, vodka will not freeze in your freezer.
Boiling and cooling vodka will evaporate most of the alcohol, unless you make sure all components of the vodka (water, alcohol, etc) are kept and allowed to condense together. If the alcohol escapes, you end up with weaker vodka, and its freezing point will be closer to that of water, i.e. 0C.
Of course, vodka will freeze, but not at the temperature of an ordinary freezer. This is because vodka contains enough alcohol to lower the freezing point of water below the -17°C of your typical freezer.