I recently came across a video by prof Fredrick Schuller on general relativity where he defines the leibniz rule to be,
$\nabla_X (T(\omega,Y))=\nabla_XT(\omega,Y)+T(\nabla_{X} \omega,Y)+T(\omega,\nabla_{X} Y)$
Where $X$ and $Y$ are vector fields, $\omega$ is a covector field and $T$ is a $(1,1)$ tensor. The rule can be generalised for $(p,q)$ tensors similarly.
I cannot find a way to show that it is equivalent to the leibniz rule expressed as $\nabla_X$ acting on tensor product of two tensor fields.
i.e. $\nabla_{X}(T \otimes S) = \nabla_XT\otimes S + T\otimes \nabla_XS$
How do I proceed to show the equivalence between the two?