What is the square of a solution from time dependent pertubation theory? Assume we have found the corrections up to second order such that
|\psi(t)\rangle \approx |\psi^0(t)\rangle + |\psi^1(t)\rangle +|\psi^2(t)\rangle
The population of an eigenstate of the unperturbed system after time $t$ is then $P_a\equiv |\langle \phi_a|\psi(t)\rangle|^2$. Where $|\phi_a\rangle $ are given as eigenstates of the unperturbed time independent system. Defining the expansion coefficients as
c^m_a(t)=\langle \phi_a|\psi^m(t)\rangle, \ \tilde c^m_a(t)=\langle \psi^m(t)|\phi_a\rangle,
one obtains the following expression for the population of state $a$
P_a \approx |c_a^0|^2+|c_a^1|^2+|c_a^2|^2+2\Re(\tilde c_a^0c_a^1 + \tilde c_a^0c_a^2+ \tilde c_a^1c_a^2)
Now we assume that our system was in eigenstate $\phi_b$ of the unperturbed system at the beginning from which follows $c_a^0=0$. The expression for the population simplifies under this assumption to
$$P_a \approx |c_a^1|^2+|c_a^2|^2+2\Re(\tilde c_a^1c_a^2)$$
Does the last term $2\Re(\tilde c_a^1c_a^2)$ vanish for some reason or is this term a part of the solution up to second order ?
Also, is there a way to asign orders of expansion to the population or in general to squares of the solution built from all correction terms. I.e. what whould the following be ? $$P_a^0 = ? \\ P_a^1 =? \\ P_a^m=?\\ $$