I have been reading a few papers on radiation therapy and have come to something I do not understand. In some of the papers they express the dose rate in the following units
$$\frac{MeV}{g\space Bq\space s}$$
I know that the dose rate of a point source to some material is given by $\dot D=\dot {\phi} E \frac{\mu_{e_n}}{\rho}$ From this relation the units are $\frac{MeV}{g\space s}\space or \space \frac{Gy}{h}$ my question is where do the units of inverse becquerels and seconds come from? I have seen online that they are used as units of photon yield, but these sources gave no background as to why the units were being used. A suggestion to a text with a derivation would be very helpful
), and second you should forcibly separate distinct units using either a thing space (\,
) or a center dot (cdot
) so that their concatanation can't be mistaken for a prefix and a unit. $\endgroup$