In Peskin & Schroeder exercise 13.3 question d, it is asked to perform an expansion of the term $$iS\left[\log\left(-D^2-\lambda\right)\right]+\frac{i}{g^2}\int d^2x \lambda $$ where $D_{\mu}=\left(\partial_{\mu}+iA_{\mu}\right)$, and $\lambda$,$N$ and $g$ numbers. The expansion should be made around $A_{\mu}=0$, and we should use this result to prove the expansion is proportional to the vacuum polarization of massive scalar fields. In momentum space, the log can be written as
$$ \int \frac{d^d x}{(2\pi)^d} \log\left(k^2+A^2-\lambda\right)$$ and my naive attempt to expand the log was
$$\log\left(k^2+A^2-\lambda\right)=\log\left[\left(k^2-\lambda\right)\left(1+\frac{A^2}{\left(k^2-\lambda\right)}\right)\right]=\log\left(k^2-\lambda\right)+\log\left(1+\frac{A^2}{\left(k^2-\lambda\right)}\right) \\ \approx\log\left(k^2-\lambda\right)+\frac{A^2}{\left(k^2-\lambda\right)}$$ but it did not help me so far since the second term vanishes. Can someone point me to the right direction?