I have the following distinction clear in my mind:
Reference frame → state of motion of the observer
Coordinate system → set of numbers used to map the space points within a reference frame
So for any given reference frame, multiple coordinate systems are possible (e.g. Cartesian, spherical, etc)
This distinction is in my opinion fundamental. For example: work of a force (a scalar) is invariant with respect to coordinate transformations within the same reference frame. But if we use a difference reference frame (in relative motion with respect to the first one) the same work will be different → this scalar is not invariant anymore!
My problem is, I have not found so far a physics textbook which clearly states this difference between these two entities (reference frame and coordinate system), and develop its results taking this difference into account. The two concepts are often used interchangeably → I find this confusing and frustrating, since I can't appreciate what exactly the author means.
This is especially true in relativity theory, whose tensorial analysis require a deep understand of these concepts.
So my question is: can anybody suggest some relativity books (or at least some general physics book) in which this distinction is made clear from the beginning, and in which the results are carried on under this assumption?