Yes they can! Though admittedly, the examples are quite awkward.
An explicit example is given here (T. Aktosun and R. G. Newton, 1985, Inverse Problems 1).
The potential is
4\, \frac{(x\sqrt{2}+1)(\sigma(x)-2x+1)}{(\sigma(x)+c)^2} & x>0\\
\frac {4} {(b-x\sqrt{2})^2} & x<0
and the wavefunction is
\frac {2(1+x\sqrt{2})}{\sigma(x)+c} & x>0\\
\frac {2(b-1)}{b-x\sqrt{2}} & x<0
with $\frac 1 b + \frac 1 c = 1$ and $c\ge 1$. And $\sigma(x)=\frac {2\sqrt{2}}{3}x^3+2x^2+x\sqrt{2}$. Both the wavefunction and the potential vanish in the limit $x\to\pm\infty$, so this is a proper bound state. (In the paper, these are expressed using $\Theta(x)$, the Heaviside function. Also, note that the potential is discontinuous at $x=0$, so $\psi$ has a discontinuous second derivative there.)
The paper additionally discusses what it calls "half-bound" states - e.g., the double delta potential has one for some parameter values (though Wikipedia calls it just a "bound state", which is not entirely accurate.).
This is a graph of $\psi(x)$ and $V(x)$ for the randomly chosen value $c=1.77$.