Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, denoting single-particle states, and $\mathfrak{F}$ be the fermionic Fock space. If $f\in H$, then is the creation operator $c^*(f)$ a bounded linear operator on $\mathfrak{F}$? If so, what is its norm?
EDIT: Thanks to @J.Murray for his answer, I think the following should be rigorous.
Let $|n\rangle$ denote the occupational basis where $n = \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$ and $|n|=\sum_0^\infty n_i <\infty$ and $n_i=0,1$. Notice that $c_0^*|n\rangle=0$ if $n_0=1$ and $c_0^*|n\rangle =|n+\delta_0\rangle$ if $n_0=0$. Hence, if $|\psi\rangle$ is in the fermionic Fock space, then $|\psi\rangle = \sum |n\rangle \langle n|\psi \rangle$ and thus $$ ||c_0^* |\psi\rangle ||^2 \le \sum |\langle n|\psi \rangle|^2 =||\psi||^2<\infty $$ Hence, $c_0^*$ is a bounded operator and then it's clear that $||c_0^*||=1$.
(Technically, $c_0^*$ is only defined on a dense linear subspace of the Fock space and we need to use the continuous linear extension so that it is well-defined on the entire Fock space)