Suppose I have a spherical black body at temperature $T$ with radius $R$. When stationary in a vacuum at zero Kelvin, it produces an incoherent radiation field according to Planck's law $$ B_\nu = \frac{2 h\nu^3}{c^2} \frac{1}{e^{-h\nu/kT}-1} $$ producing a spectral flux given by $$ F_\nu = \frac{2 h\nu^3}{c^2} \frac{2\pi}{e^{-h\nu/kT}-1} \frac{R^2}{r^2}. $$ The factor of $2\pi$ is the number of Steradians each element of the sphere's surface radiates into, and the final factor in the product is the ratio of the area of the sphere to the area of the imaginary sphere the radiation has been spread out on.
So far, so good. This is basic physics.
Now, if we change to a reference frame moving with velocity $-\vec{v}$, it sees the sphere moving at $\vec{v}$. What radiation pattern is seen in that moving frame, and why doesn't the radiation produce a net force on the sphere?
Having not bothered with the derivation, yet, I would expect the Dopper shift to definitely be relevant. Since the radiation is incoherent, though, does that make it so the headlight effect doesn't kick in?
The frame where the sphere is stationary certainly doesn't see it accelerating, so it cannot be accelerating in the moving frame, either. Both the headlight and Doppler effect would, naively, cause an imbalance of forces that would tend to decelerate the sphere. Since that is, obviously, not the case, what factor counter-balances the Doppler (and possible headlight) effect?