You need to define what the Leibniz product rule means for tensors of rank higher than 0.
One has:
$$\nabla_V ({\bf T}\otimes{\bf U}) := \nabla_V {\bf T} \otimes {\bf U} +{\bf T}\otimes\nabla_V {\bf U} $$
for $V$ a vector field, $\nabla$ a connection, $\bf T,U$ tensor fields.
Choose $V$ the coordinate base vector field, $\bf U, T$ arbitrary vector fields in the coordinate base, then use the expansions of the covariant derivative of coordinate bases in terms of coordinate bases (which return the Levi Civita symbols), then simply the Leibniz rule for real functions you learn in Calculus III (the real functions here of several variables are the components of the vector fields in the coordinate basis which are partially differentiated) and you should arrive at the result. This computation is standard in introductory differential geometry texts and, indeed, is independent of knowledge of GR.