In their 2005 paper, the authors write (just below eq. 3.19)
we see that a non-zero value of $F_0$ is a necessary and sufficient criterion for spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. On the other hand, (...) a non-vanishing scalar quark condensate $\langle \bar qq\rangle$ is a sufficient (but not a necessary) condition for a spontaneous symmetry breakdown in QCD
Why is it that
- $F_0\neq 0$: necessary and sufficient for ChSB
- $\langle \bar qq\rangle\neq 0$: sufficient, but not necessary for ChSB
Additional notes
$F_0$ is a decay constant, as in $$ \langle 0|A^a_\mu |\pi^b\rangle = \text{i} F_0 \delta^{ab} p_\mu $$
If I understand correctly,
$$ F_0\neq 0 \color{red}\Leftrightarrow \text{ChSB}\quad\text{and}\quad \langle \bar qq\rangle\neq 0 \color{red}\Rightarrow \text{ChSB} $$