I'm struggling to understand when to and when not to include the chemical potential in the differential forms of the thermodynamic potentials. In principle I would assume that any system wherein the number of particles or the composition is changing should include the term - however I have run into two issues.
- Whilst studying thermochemistry, my lecturer was quick to bring up some old results from thermodynamics, that the heat of an isobaric process corresponds to the enthalpy change and the heat of an isochoric process corresponds to the internal energy change.
A quick 'derivation' shows this : $dH=TdS+VdP$ which at constant pressure becomes $dH=TdS=q_P$ however, had we included the chemical potential we would have obtained $$dH=TdS+\sum_i\mu_idn_i=q_P+\sum_i\mu_idn_i$$Thus when interpreting $\Delta H$ as heat of reaction under constant pressure, are we not ignoring the effects of composition on H?
- Earlier, when chemical potential was first being introduced in my Pchem class - a derivation of the condition of spontaneity for transport between phases was put forward:$$dG=-SdT+VdP+\sum_i\sum_j\mu_i^jdn_i^j$$ and from the second law we know that for an irreversible process $dG<-SdT+VdP$, thus: $$\sum_i\sum_j\mu_i^jdn_i^j<0$$ However, I would argue that this formulation of the second law is not accurately accounting for chemical potential. Consider the more general $TdS\geqq dq$, and the first law $dU=dq+dw$, one obtains that $dG\leqq VdP-SdT+w_{non-PV}$ which to reproduce the first equation in the case of a reversible proces, I would identify that $$w_{non-PV}=\sum_i\sum_j\mu_i^jdn_i^j \rightarrow dG\leqq -SdT+VdP+\sum_i\sum_j\mu_i^jdn_i^j$$ Of course with this result you can no longer figure out the condition of spontaneity this way as you simply get $0<0$. Furthermore wouldn't the lecturer's original derivation technically be applying both a relation that holds specifically for reversible processes and one for irreversible processes together? When it came to entropy as a condition for spontaneity in isolated systems - we knew that only reversible or irreversible pathways existed between two states but not both, preventing such potential contradictions. Though I'm uncertain if a similar interpretation can be made for the formulation in terms of Gibbs energy.
Am I merely confusing myself with the interpretation of chemical potential as a form of non-PV work?