I am trying to follow along a derivation (E. I. Blount, Solid State Phys. 13, 305 (1962)) in which he derives the matrix elements of the true momentum $p_{n,n'}(k,k')$ (not the crystal momentum). He arrives at the following expression:
$p_{n,n'}(k,k') = \delta(k-k')(\hbar k\delta_{n,n'}-i\hbar\int u_n^*\frac{\partial u_{n'}}{\partial x}\,d\tau)$,
where $n$ labels the band index, $k$ is the Bloch vector, $u_n$ is the Bloch function with the periodicity of the lattice, and the integral is over a unit cell. Can anyone help me to derive this result?
Crucially, the problem boils down to evaluating
$\int dx \, e^{-ikx}u_{nk}^*(x)e^{ik'x}u_{n'k'}(x)$,
which, according to Blount ought to equal $\delta_{n,n'}\delta(k,k')$. This makes sense if our wave functions
$\psi_{n,k}(x) = e^{ikx}u_{nk}(x)$
(i.e. Bloch waves) are to be normalized, but I just can't seem to figure out how to 'pluck' those two delta functions out from the integration.