So I have to show that a superoperator $\$$ cannot increase relative entropy using the monotonicity of relative entropy:
$$S(\rho_A || \sigma_A) \leq S(\rho_{AB} || \sigma_{AB}).$$
What I have to prove:
$$S(\$\rho|| \$ \sigma) \leq S(\rho || \sigma).$$
Now the hint is that I should use the unitary representation of the superoperator $\$$. I know that we can represent $ \$ \rho = \sum_i M_i \rho M_i^{\dagger} $ with $\sum_i M_i M_i^{\dagger} = I$. Now I am able to write out $S(\$\rho|| \$ \sigma_A)$ in this notation, but that doesn't bring me any further.
Does anyone have any idea how to show this in the way that the questions hints to? I already read the original paper of Lindblad but this doesn't help me (he does it another special way). Any clues or how to do this?