I am currently learning about Lattice Gauge theories and have come across the Lattice formulation in terms of staggered fermions (see e.g. Susskind 1977, Kogut & Susskind 1975).
As I understand it, we take the components of e.g. a 2-component fermion spinor and spread them out on two sub lattices, which are then endowed with the staggered sign to beat the Fermion Doubling problem. Now the way the gauge field enters is through parallel transport operators on links between lattice sites. They represent the degrees of freedom of the gauge field between the different lattice sites.
What is now unclear to me is what the physical significance / interpretation of links between sites of the sub lattices are? The links between physical lattice sites are clear to me: Since my gauge transformation affects every point in spacetime differently, I need to include parallel transporters when I wish to compare one spacetime point to another. But as I understand it, each site has a corresponing site on the second sub lattice (this is where the second spinor component, the antiparticle goes), but these two points would in fact correspond the the exact same location in spacetime. So why then is there a link between these points and what is the significance of this link?