I apologize that this is a not a normal post (i.e. not using MathJax but instead posting a video).
In this video (timestamped properly) the physics teacher claims that there is a magnetic force pointing leftwards due to the moving current in the right section of the circuit. However, as this current moves counter-clockwise around the loop, in practice all magnetic forces should cancel out. This is because the current going through the rightside of the loop also goes equally through the leftside of the loop but in opposite direction. As the opposite direction produces a negative cross product relative to the original magnetic force calculation, their equal magnitudes should cancel out through superposition.
Because of this cancellation, people use the righthand curl method to approximate the magnetic force direction of counter-clockwise current loops.
I am self-studying E&M and have been using this great youtuber, but this time I am in contradiction of his logic. Can someone offer knowledge to answer why his assumptions seem to produce accurate calculations in the subsequent minutes?