In many-body physics, Holstein-Primakoff transformation is defined as follows:
\begin{align} S_i^+ &= \sqrt{2S}(1-a_i^\dagger a_i/2S)^{1/2}a_i, \\ S_i^- &=\sqrt{2S}(1-a_i^\dagger a_i/2S)^{1/2}, \end{align}
where $S_i^{\pm}, S$ are spin operators and $a_i$ is the transformed operator.
I have two questions regarding this.
Is the square root or division of an operator (not a number!) well-defined?
(Furthermore, $S$ is a vector operator!)
It seems that the square root is defined in terms of Taylor series, but how can we guarantee that the series converges?The transformed operator $a_i$ is defined implicitly by the above relation. Does there actually exist such $a_i$ that satisfies the above relation? If so, is it unique?