I'm reading Chapter 6 of Martin's introduction to SUSY http://arxiv.org/abs/hepph/9709356, which is about RGEs in the MSSM. I tried to convince myself of some of the calculations, and I was particularly stuck with anything that has Yukawas in it. I don't know how to deal with them. Take for example the anomalous dimension formula, $$\gamma^i_j =\frac{1}{16 \pi^2} [\frac{1}{2} Y^{imn}Y^*_{jmn} - 2 g_a^2 C_a(i)\delta^i_j]$$ where, $g_a$ is a gauge coupling corresponding to a group $a$, and $C_a(i)$ is the Casimir invariant. And $Y^{imn}$ denotes Yukawas.
For example, $$\gamma^{H_u}_{H_u} =\frac{1}{16 \pi^2} [3 Y^*_t Y_t - \dots]$$ $$\gamma^{\bar{d}_3}_{\bar{d}_3} =\frac{1}{16 \pi^2} [2 Y^*_b Y_b - \dots]$$ $$\gamma^{\bar{Q}_3}_{\bar{Q}_3} =\frac{1}{16 \pi^2} [Y^*_t Y_t + Y^*_b Y_b - \dots]$$
the dots are for the second term which I know how to calculate. But I don't know how the results for the Yukawas were obtained!
My understanding is that the indices $i,j,k$ are family indices for chiral superfields. Explicitly, $$ Y^{ijk} = Y^{\Phi_i \Phi_j \Phi_k}$$ So if I wanted to calculate, the Yukawa part of $\gamma^{H_u}_{H_u}$, I would try: $$Y^{H_u mn}Y^*_{H_u mn} = Y^{H_u \bar{u}_m Q_n}Y^*_{H_u \bar{u}_m Q_n} + Y^{H_u Q_m \bar{u}_n}Y^*_{H_u Q_m \bar{u}_n} + \text{other permutations in superfields?} $$ If I chose third family approximation like in Martin's notes, then $m=n=3$ But I'm not sure this is correct or where it leads.
Could someone help me with this. How should I handle $Y^{imn}Y^*_{jmn}$ to get those results?