I am practicing some questions in preparation for an upcoming exam and the following has me stumped:
The D2 line of $^{133}$Cs involves transitions between the ground state $6S_{1/2}$ and the second excited state $6P_{3/2}$. Knowing that the nuclear spin for this atomic species is $I=7/2$, sketch a diagram where the hyperfine structure is resolved for both the $6S_{1/2}$ and the $6P_{3/2}$ levels and clearly label each hyperfine level.
How do I actually work out how many hyperfine states there should be for a given energy level? I know $F = I + J$ so taking $I$ as $7/2$ and $J$ as $1/2$ and $3/2$ respectively then $F$ has a degeneracy of $9$ ($-4$ through $4$) and $11$ ($-5$ through $5$) respectively. This is obviously incorrect as I believe Cs should only have two hyperfine states for the ground level. Is it as simple as that for any fine state there are two hyperfine states? If so then do I just label them $F=0$ and $F=1$?