I am confused about phase-volume contraction in dissipative systems. Please help me catch the flaw in my understanding. From a macroscopic point of view I understand that a dynamic system tends to go to an equilibrium state or a limit cycle if its not chaotic. But now trying to understand it in phase space:
1) Consider a system in complete thermodynamic equilibrium. It is a non-dissipative system (it cannot dissipate anymore). Therefore it could be in any microstate allowed by constraints (e.g., conserved quantities) and by Liouville theorem the probability density does not change. Therefore isn't the phase space volume accessible to this system the whole phase space (allowed by constraints)?
2) Now consider a non-equilibrium system. Its location in the space has some peaked probability distribution based on the initial conditions, i.e., it occupies a small space volume, and when it approaches equilibrium the probability of finding it becomes uniform and spreads over the complete phase space. Doesn't that mean the phase volume has expanded?