As a nit-picking question, I wanted to clarify a point of confusion. This arises from definitions found in a plethora of books, lectures notes and even the Wikipage on structure constants and Lie algebras. See this link to the Wiki page.
A generic Lie algebra that defines a group is written in terms of the group generators $X^a$. The Lie algebra is
$$[X^a,X^b] = i f_{abc}X^c.$$
I am happy that the structure constant $f_{abc}$ is a real number, and that $f_{abc} = - f_{bac} $ by commutator properties.
My issue is this; in the $SO(3)$ rotations, the Lie algebra is in terms of AM operators $J_i$. Hence, the Lie algebra is now
$$[J_i,J_j] = i \varepsilon_{ijk}J_k.$$ However, I am a bit uncomfortable with why all the indices are down. My only explanation for this is that since the structure constant $f_{ijk} = \varepsilon_{ijk}$ in this case is a real number, one can freely write the indices as we wish. So my original statement for the general Lie algebra could be equally written as
$$[X^a,X^b] = i f^{abc}X^c$$
or in particular
$$[X_a,X_b] = i f_{ab}^{\,\,\,\, c}X_c = i f_{abc}X_c.$$
Is this the right way to think about this?