I don't have a full answer to your question, but your question did make me realize that the Hawking radiation must be carrying away angular momentum from a rotating Kerr black hole. If it only carried away energy (mass) the Kerr black hole would become extremal as it lost mass but kept the same angular momentum. This, I think, proves that there has to be asymmetries in the Hawking radiation from a Kerr black hole.
One way to carry away angular momentum would be for a higher flux or energy of Hawking radiation in the forward direction of rotation at the equator. I think this implies that limb coming towards you would look like it is at a higher temperature that the limb that is receding from your point of view. Another way to carry away angular momentum would be to emit partially (circularly) polarized radiation from the polar regions but then these would not look like black body radiation. I don't know how to calculate the effects, but I would not be surprised if there was a temperature variation on the event horizon. But I could be wrong.
"lurscher" gave a link to an article that answers this question. The abstract says:
Particle emission rates from a black hole. II. Massless particles from
a rotating hole
Don N. Page W. K. Kellogg Radiation Laboratory, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
The calculations of the first paper of this series (for nonrotating
black holes) are extended to the emission rates of massless or nearly
massless particles from a rotating hole and the consequent evolution
of the hole. The power emitted increases as a function of the angular
momentum of the hole, for a given mass, by factors of up to 13.35 for
neutrinos, 107.5 for photons, and 26 380 for gravitons. Angular
momentum is emitted several times faster than energy, so a rapidly
rotating black hole spins down to a nearly nonrotating state before
most of its mass has been given up. The third law of black-hole
mechanics is proved for small perturbations of an uncharged hole,
showing that it is impossible to spin up a hole to the extreme Kerr
configuration. If a hole is rotating fast enough, its area and entropy
initially increase with time (at an infinite rate for the extreme Kerr
configuration) as heat flows into the hole from particle pairs created
in the ergosphere. As the rotation decreases, the thermal emission
becomes dominant, drawing heat out of the hole and decreasing its
area. The lifetime of a black hole of a given mass varies with the
initial rotation by a factor of only 2.0 to 2.7 (depending upon which
particle species are emitted). If a nonrotating primordial black hole
with initial mass 5 × 1014 g would have just decayed away within the
present age of the universe, a hole created maximally rotating would
have just died if its initial mass were about 7 × 1014 g. Primordial
black holes created with larger masses would still exist today, but
they would have a maximum rotation rate determined uniquely by the
present mass. If they are small enough today to be emitting many
hadrons, they are predicted to be very nearly nonrotating.