I have the Hamiltonian
$H=\sum\limits_k [Ab^{\dagger}_{k}b_{k} + B(b^{\dagger}_kb^{\dagger}_{-k}+b_{k}b_{-k})]$,
where $b^{\dagger}_k$ and $b_k$ are fermionic creation and annihilation operators.
I know that diagonalized form of this Hamiltonian has spectrum of the following form $E_k=\sqrt{A^2+4B^2}$
I want to check it by myself, so I use Bogoliubov transformation
where $u^2_k+v^2_k=1$ and $\left\{ {b_k,b_{k'}} \right\}=\delta_{kk'}$.
Condition for diagonalized Hamiltonian is $[a_k,H]=[u_kb_k-v_kb^{\dagger}_{-k},H]$, so I start to calculate commutators $[b_k,b^{\dagger}_{k'}b_{k'}]$, $[b_k,b^{\dagger}_{k'}b^{\dagger}_{-k'}]$, $[b^{\dagger}_{-k},b^{\dagger}_{k'}b_{k'}]$, $[b^{\dagger}_{-k},b_{k'}b_{-k'}]$, after that I have to equate the coefficients with the same operators $b_k$, $b^{\dagger}_{-k}$ on the right and on the left.
But there I meet some difficulties, because I have the third order terms like $-2b^{\dagger}_{k'}b_{k}b_{k'}$ and $-2b^{\dagger}_{k'}b_{k'}b^{\dagger}_{-k}$ from commutators $[b_k,b^{\dagger}_{k'}b_{k'}]$, $[b_k,b^{\dagger}_{k'}b^{\dagger}_{-k'}]$ respectively.
1) Is Bogoliubov transformation that I use correct?
2) What to do with third order terms? Maybe it's just my mistake and I calculate these commutators wrong.
Thank you.