I've been taking class where we learnt about different types of laser, it reminded me of an old question I had before.
There's been issues with making very short wavelength laser pulse with traditional technologies, such as molecules, crystals, diodes, e.t.c. But as it's been known that accelerating charge radiates, so why can't we make a laser emitter out of it in rotational motion, where we seem to have full capability of control over the power of emission? It seemed much better than thermal or traditional electro excitation.
Something like rotational motion and Larmor radiation (https://www.cv.nrao.edu/course/astr534/PDFnewfiles/LarmorRad.pdf), one might agree that we only had the expression for power output, but not the one for the wavelength. So here's another question, what's the expression for radiated/emitted photons(Suppose a unit charge in a circular motion of speed $v$ and radius $r$)?