Inspired by this Phys.SE post I am curious to find the energies of Dirac delta potential inside the ISW (walls at $x=0,L$) $$ H = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2} + V_0\delta(x-L/2) $$
using Wilson-Sommerfeld Quantization (WSQ).
So I looked at this integral (Here, $p_1=\sqrt{2 m E}, p_2=\sqrt{2 m (E- V_0\delta(x-L/2))}~$) $$\oint p~ dx = 2 \int_0^{L/2-\epsilon} p_1~ dx + 2 \int_{L/2-\epsilon}^{L/2+\epsilon} p_2 ~dx+ 2 \int_{L/2+\epsilon}^{L} p_1~ dx $$ $$= 2* \sqrt{2 m E}*(L-2 \epsilon) + 2 \int_{L/2-\epsilon}^{L/2+\epsilon} p_2 (=\sqrt{2m (E-V_0 \delta(x-L/2))})~dx $$ The Integral term is zero E.g.- this integral (a particular case) , and WSQ gives the energies of ISW Only.
If you recall that momentum is discontinuous for a Dirac delta potential, so integral term should not be zero.
Now the Ques is: can we treat given Hamiltonian $H$ using WSQ? If yes, then how to tackle the integral (we have tackled this integral in Schrodinger's formalism)?