This question relates to the $Z_2$ invariant defined e.g. for topological insulators:
Is it correct to relate $Z_2$ = 1 to an odd Chern number and $Z_2$ = 0 to an even Chern number?
If yes, is it also correct to think of an even or odd Chern number in terms of an even or odd number of band crossings across the Fermi energy? (If it's odd, there must be a band connecting the valence to the conduction band and therefore provide a topological protected surface state.)
Edit: These lecture notes* (under Point H) state: "The formula (49) was not the first definition of the two-dimensional Z2 invariant, as the original Kane-Mele paper gave a definition based on counting of zeros of the “Pfaffian bundle” of wavefunctions. However, (49) is both easier to connect to the IQHE and easier to implement numerically."
and furthermore:
"...and the Chern numbers of the two spheres are equal so that the total Chern number is zero. The above argument establishes that the two values of the Z2invariant are related to even or odd Chern number of a band pair on half the Brillouin zone."