I'm not sure I totally understand your question. Quantum mechanics and classical mechanics are just mathematically completely different. The statement $[q, p] = 0$ in classical mechanics is pretty tongue-in-cheek, because a measurement is just a completely different thing in classical mechanics.
This leaves us with the question: what is the physical significance of the statement $\{q, p\} = 1$ in classical mechanics? And does $p$ "generate translations" in classical mechanics? If so, how?
To answer these questions, we must first discuss what a vector field is. As you may know, a vector field is often defined to be a first order differential operator which takes functions to functions.
Let's consider classical mechanics in one spatial dimension. Phase space would be $\mathbb{R}^2$, with a $q$ direction and a $p$ direction. Consider a test function $f : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$. A vector field $X$ will take the function $f$ to a new function $X(f)$. In coordinates, we can write $X$ as
X = a\partial_q + b \partial_p
where $a, b : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$. This can be thought of as a directional derivative in the $(a, b)$ direction.
Now, for any function $h$ on phase space, we can define the hamiltonian vector field, denoted $X_h$, to be
X_h(f) \equiv \{f, h\}
where $\{\cdot , \cdot \}$ is the Poisson bracket
\{f, h\} \equiv \frac{\partial f}{\partial q} \frac{\partial h}{\partial p} -\frac{\partial h}{\partial q} \frac{\partial f}{\partial p}.
We are now ready to discuss how a function $h$ can "generate" a transformation. Say you have a path in phase space $\gamma: [0,l] \to \mathbb{R}^2$. The first derivative $\dot \gamma$ should be regarded as a directional derivative as well, i.e. it takes a function defined on $Im(\gamma)$ to another function, defined by
\dot \gamma(t) (f) \equiv \frac{d}{ds}f(\gamma(s))|_{s = t}.
A path is said to give the flow of the vector field $X_h$ is it satisfies
\dot \gamma = X_h
for all points $\gamma(t)$.
This is all to say that $h$ generates the transformation given by the flow of the vector field $X_h$. For our two dimensional example, this just amounts to solving the following differential equation:
\dot q = \frac{\partial h}{\partial p} \\
\dot p = -\frac{\partial h}{\partial q}
We can see that for $h = p$, this just generates spatial translations: $\dot q = 1, \dot p = 0$.
It is interesting to gain a bit of intuition for what $X_h$ looks like. It is, in a way, the opposite of the gradient of $h$. Where as flow given by the gradient of $h$ would evolve points to places of highest $h$, while flow given by $X_h$ will evolve points to places of equal $h$. In other words, $X_h$ will move points along equipotential lines of $h$. So it is very reasonable that "$p$ generates spatial translations," because the lines of equipotential for the function $p$ are just lines that span all values of $q$.
The statement that $\{q, p\} = 1$ just means that if we evolve along the vector field given by $X_p$, then $q$ will change. That's all it means.
There is one final thing to mention: what does it mean for two functions to "commute" in the sense of $\{g, h\} = 0$? To investigate this question, we use the Jacobi identity:
\{ \{g, h\}, f\} + \{ \{h, f\}, g\} + \{ \{f, g\}, h\} = 0
then rearrange a bit, also using the anti symmetry of the Poisson bracket
\{ \{g, h\}, f\} = \{ g, \{h, f\}\} - \{ h, \{g, f\}\}
and then using the definition of our Hamiltonian vector fields acting on a test function $f$ to write
X_{\{g, h\}} (f) = [X_g, X_h](f)
and finally
X_{\{g, h\}} = [X_g, X_h]
where $[\cdot, \cdot]$ is the vector field Lie Bracket defined by
[X_g, X_h] \equiv X_g X_h - X_h X_g.
It is a basic fact that the flows given by commuting vector fields also commute. So if $[X_g, X_h] = 0$, that means that evolving along $X_g$ for some time, and then evolving along $X_h$, gives the exact same result as evolving along $X_h$ and then $X_g$. So when $\{g, h\} = 0$, then $[X_g, X_h] = 0$, and the flows commute. This is why functions that commute with the Hamiltonian are said to produce "symmetries."
If you have been astute, you may have noted that if $\{g, h\}$ is a constant, then $X_{\{g, h\}} = 0$. In other words, $X_q$ and $X_p$ actually do commute, even though $\{q, p\} \neq 0$. This actually has an analogue in quantum mechanics. If you translate a wave function in position space by a distance $q$, and then by a momentum $p$, you will recieve the same exact wave function as if you translated by $p$ and then $q$ up to an unobservable phase $e^{iqp}$. So this failure to commute can not be observed by quantum measurements. This is interesting given the fact that in classical mechanics, $X_q$ and $X_p$ commute even though $\{q, p\} \neq 0$.
What does it all really mean though? I don't know. Classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are in many ways parallel stories with their own interesting twists and turns. They rhyme with each other, but certainly one is not the "limit" of the other in any precise sense, and they must both be understood on their own terms.