It is possible to have stable orbits inside the ergosphere of a rotating black hole but only when the spin parameter $a$ is large enough ($a/M\gtrsim 0.9$ ) which corresponds to very rapidly rotating black hole.
For simplicity let us restrict ourselves to the discussion of orbits in equatorial plane, since this situation is most readily admits analytical treatment.
For reference we are going to use the paper:
The motion in an equatorial plane of a Kerr black hole is characterized by two integrals of motion: energy and angular momentum (per unit mass of the orbiting body). The equation governing the evolution of radial coordinate $r$ with time could be seen as a solution of a 1D problem, motion of a point in a given effective potential, while the angular momentum conservation would give the evolution of an angular variable. This solution algorithm is mostly the same as with nonrelativistic (Kepler) problem as well as the nonrotating, Schwarzschild black hole, except the expression for the effective potential is much more complex.
Wouldn't, however, an object with this forced motion around the black hole be able to orbit stably inside the ergosphere as it might around a non-rotating black hole?
Remember that in Schwarzschild black hole stable circular orbits are only possible in the region $r>3r_s$, the radius of the so called innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), while in the range $1.5 r_s < r < 3r_s $, from photon sphere to the ISCO there are unstable orbits. So, the intuition one might have about structure and stability of orbits in a Newtonian case does not necessarily translate to highly relativistic orbits near the horizon.
If we look at the graphs of an effective potential in the paper for various values of angular momentum we could see, that the frame dragging effect of the rotation indeed makes it “easier” for a body to be in a stable orbit closer to horizon for prograde orbits (orbital angular momentum is in the same direction as black hole angular momentum), while for the retrograde orbits the effect is opposite: stable orbits are only possible further away from the horizon.
However, since for small values of spin parameter the ergosphere is close to the event horizon even unstable circular orbits would remain outside the ergosphere. Only when the spin parameter becomes larger than $\approx 0.7 M$ there would be circular unstable orbit inside the ergosphere. For larger values of $a$ there would be stable orbits that pass through the ergosphere (but most of the time the orbiting particle would be away from the ergosphere). Only when the black hole spin parameter is larger than $\approx 0.93 M$ would there be stable orbits completely inside the ergosphere.
This dependence of orbital parameters on the black hole spin could be illustrated by the following image (figure 5 of the cited paper):
Here the $r$ is a radial variable of the Boyer–Lindquist coordiantes, $r^-_\text{isco}$ is the radius of the prograde ISCO, $r^+_\text{isco}$ is the radius of retrograde ISCO, $r_\gamma$ is the radius of prograde photon sphere, $r^\pm$ are outer and inner horizon radii, while the ergosphere for all values of the spin is precisely at $r=2 M$. So orbits inside the ergosphere correspond to lower tails of solid bold line and dashed bold lines below the thin dashed dotted line.