Consider two states of the type $|\alpha,\xi \rangle = \hat{D}(\alpha) \hat{S}(\xi) |0\rangle$, where $D$ and $S$ are the displacement and squeeze operators, respectively, and $|0\rangle$ is a 1D harmonic oscillator vacuum state.
My question is: Is there a closed formula for $\langle \alpha, \xi | \beta, \eta \rangle$?
I know how to calculate this for two coherent states ($\xi = \eta = 0$), but since the commutator of $[a^2,a] \neq I$ (which comes from $S$) the same strategy I use in that case does not work (i.e., using the Zassenhaus formula).
I saw that there is a way to express the wave function of this state in position representation, so I could calculate this as $\int dx \langle \alpha, \xi | x \rangle \langle x \beta, \eta \rangle$, but this seems really unwieldly. Is there a simpler way analogous to the coherent case?