Suppose we have the system described below (poor quality but it'll do the trick). We have two pendulums of mass $m$ coupled by a string of constant $k$ placed at a height $a$ from the top (as shown). My job is to find the normal modes of vibration.
My attempt: For a small angle the movement of the masses is, to a very close approximation ,linear, the force exerted by the string is proportional to the height wich could be modeled by $F=k\frac{a}{L}$ and the restoring force by the weight of the pendulum is $F_1=\frac{mg}{L}$. With this we can write the equations of motion as follows:
$$m\ddot{x}_1=-\frac{mg}{L}x_1-\frac{ka}{L}(x_1-x_2)\\ m\ddot{x}_2=-\frac{mg}{L}x_2-\frac{ka}{L}(x_2-x_1)$$
With this we just plugin in the matrix equation $M\ddot{X}=KX$ and find the eigen values (where $M$ is the mass matrix, $X$ the position matrix and $K$ the constants matrix) giving the following modes of vibration: $$\omega^2_+=\frac{g}{L}+\frac{2ka}{mL}\\\omega^2_-=\frac{g}{L}$$
And this made snese and seems correct to me, but then I saw a solution that considered the motion in terms of angle displacement where the equations of motion would be written as: $$mL^2\ddot{\theta}_1=-mgL\theta_1-ka^2(\theta_1-\theta_2)\\ mL^2\ddot{\theta}_2=-mgL\theta_2-ka^2(\theta_2-\theta_1)$$
with the normal frequencies: $$\omega^2_+=\frac{g}{L}+\frac{2ka^2}{mL^2}\\\omega^2_-=\frac{g}{L}$$
There is a clear ressemblance between both answers, though are both correct? The first one seems right for small angles, and the second one seems flawed to me because I don't think that the force exerted by the spring (though it is modeled by Hookes Law) is directly proportional to the angle displacement. Could someone shed a light into this?