I should feel ashamed to ask such a naive question, but anyway let me start with the $\phi^4$ theory in the Minkowski spacetime, which has a Lagrangian of the form $$\frac{1}{2}(\partial\phi)^2-\frac{1}{4!}g\,\phi^4$$ One say that it is scale invariant if under the transformation $x^\mu \rightarrow \lambda x^\mu$, the field $\phi$ transforms as $\phi(x)\rightarrow \frac{1}{\lambda}\phi(x)$.
So when we consider QFT, we take the path integral of this Lagrangian over all the configuration of the field $\phi(x)$. But if we are interested in scale invariance of this theory, in path integral formulation, do we only integrate over the configurations of $\phi$ which transforms in the way $\phi(x)\rightarrow \frac{1}{\lambda}\phi(x)$?
Similarly in QFT, a primary field transforms in a very specific way (like the rules of the tensor transformation). When we consider the corresponding quantum theory, in the path integral, do we only integrate over the field configurations of primary fields? Instead of integrating over all the fields which might not be primary (of the same type)!