I am trying to come with a hand-waving explanation as to why the reflection and transmission peaks of a metal-coated Fabry-Perot cavity are shifted in frequency (see the paper by Monzon & al).
For this, as they put it in the paper, the explanation is to be found in the absorption (hence complex refractive index) of the first mirror. I am struggling to find a hand-waving explanation as to why this is possible indeed.
This being said, I might be able to understand it through some phase jump upon transmission from an absorptive medium to air, but phase jumps (discontinuities) should be unphysical, right? Though, referring myself to other posts, like this one, the reflectivity is taken from the addition of the complex indexes, and not from the addition of their modules; which makes me believe the reflection index for the amplitudes of the field is complex $$R = |r|^2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r \in \mathbb{C}$$
if $r$ is defined as $$r_{1\rightarrow2} = \frac{n_1 - n_2}{n_1 + n_2}$$ I can only assume $t$ will be similarly defined as $$t_{1\rightarrow2} = \frac{2 n_1}{n_1+n_2}$$
Hence my question at hand: the reflection does take a phase shift different than the usual pi upon reflection, just because the coefficient r is complex. If this is so, the transmission coefficient should also induce a phase shift, should it not? I did find several courses and persons talking about the phase shift in r, but never do I see the phase shift in transmission mentioned, although i don't see any mathematical reason why this should not exist. As a matter of fact, if it does, I would be able to explain the frequency shift between the reflection and transmission peaks (which we do observe, by the way, in our lab).