This seems to be a very simple question, but it has been bugging me for days. I have found many material related to this, including the great Goldstein book, but none get quite were I want. I'm starting to think it's impossible.
I have a classic one body problem on a central force field, repulsive, $1/r^2$ (let's say coulomb). I know the motion is in the plane, and I have $r0(r, theta)$ and $v0(r, theta)$. So I can get $E$ and $l$ as Goldstein and many others suggest and I get to the integral he presents for $$t = \int_{r_0}^r \frac{dr}{\sqrt{\frac{2E}{m} - \frac{2k}{mr} - \frac{e^2}{m^2r^2}}}.$$ Ok, I solved it with Sage (no problem for me), got:
$$ t(r) = \frac{\sqrt{2} \sqrt{E m} k \log\left(4 \, E m r - 2 \, k m + 2 \, \sqrt{2} \sqrt{2 \, E m r^{2} - 2 \, k m r - e^{2}} \sqrt{E m}\right)}{4 \, E^{2}} - \frac{\sqrt{2} \sqrt{E m} k \log\left(4 \, E m r_{0} - 2 \, k m + 2 \, \sqrt{2} \sqrt{2 \, E m r_{0}^{2} - 2 \, k m r_{0} - e^{2}} \sqrt{E m}\right)}{4 \, E^{2}} + \frac{\sqrt{2 \, E m r^{2} - 2 \, k m r - e^{2}}}{2 \, E} - \frac{\sqrt{2 \, E m r_{0}^{2} - 2 \, k m r_{0} - e^{2}}}{2 \, E} $$
Ughh. That looks bad. But ok, no problem, I'm going to compute it with a program. But I need to finally to invert this monster to get $r(t)$, to finally get $\theta(t)$. Again, I just want the equations of motion (not the orbit equation!). When did that became this hard? I really thought it should be easier, it's a simple problem (apparently). I tried to use solve
from Sage to work it out, but it simply doesn't work. It seems Sage's solve
doesn't solve when he can't find a way. And I don't blame him.
My question is, how to find $r(t)$ and $\theta(t)$ for a single particle on a static central force $F(\textbf{r}) = + \frac{k}{r^2} \hat{\textbf{r}}$ (repulsive), given initial conditions $\textbf{r}_0$, $\textbf{v}_0$, $E$, $l$ in polar coordinates $\textbf{r} = (r, \theta)$ in the plane defined by $\textbf{r}_0$ and $\textbf{L}$?
Background: I'm writing a simulation for this scenario. I'm doing it numerically, I iterate over very small $dt$'s and assume in then the acceleration is constant, and that works OK to showing the simulation with a single body as a video to the user. But my end goal is to simulate thousands of independent particles, and I'm interested in some characteristics of the final outcome. So had I had a formula for $r(t)$, I could skip straight to larger $t$'s! Also, I'd like to render tons of particles on the screen, making a quicker video, because I would not need to update countless times each render passage. As of for now, I need to set $dt$ very small to get accurate results (it changes drastically on $dt$ chosen), and that gives hundreds of update ticks before each render, dropping the frame rate considerably for 1000+ particles. A single formula would be a bliss.