So I am studying Special Relativity and basic tensor calculus and got stuck at an exercise. $$F^{\mu \nu}: = \left[ \begin {array}{cccc} 0&-{\it E_x}&-{\it E_y}&-{\it E_z} \\ {\it E_x}&0&-c{\it B_z}&c{\it B_y} \\ {\it E_y}&c{\it B_z}&0&-{\it cB_x} \\ {\it E_z}&-c{\it B_y}&c{\it B_x}&0\end {array} \right]$$
Now the question asks to find an explicit expression for $F^{\mu}_{\,\,\nu} $. My attempt is the following: $$F^{\mu}_{\,\,\nu} = g_{\nu\rho}F^{\mu\rho} = F^{\mu\rho}g_{\rho\nu}$$
Now from here I recognize this to be a dot product between $F$ and $g$ (the Minkowski metric tensor) so the result should be: $$\sum_{\rho = 0}^3(F^{\mu\rho}g_{\rho\nu})$$ Now this should be a scalar product right (not a matrix???) ? However, my professor's solution to the answer is the following: $$ F^{\mu}_{\,\,\nu} = (F\cdot g)^{\mu}_{\,\,\nu}= \left[ \begin {array}{cccc} 0&{\it E_x}&{\it E_y}&{\it E_z} \\ {\it E_x}&0&c{\it B_z}&-c{\it B_y} \\ {\it E_y}&-c{\it B_z}&0&c{\it B_x} \\ {\it E_z}&c{\it B_y}&-{\it cB_x}&0\end {array} \right] $$
However, I am struggling to understand how a "dot product" between $F$ and $g$ result in that matrix.