According to "Hawking radiation", Wikipedia [links omitted]:
In SI units, the radiation from a Schwarzschild black hole is blackbody radiation with temperature $${\displaystyle T={\frac {\hbar c^{3}}{8\pi GMk_{\text{B}}}}\;\quad \left(\approx {\frac {1.227\times 10^{23}\;{\text{kg}}}{M}}\;{\text{K}}=6.169\times 10^{-8}\;{\text{K}}\times {\frac {M_{\odot }}{M}}\right)\,,} $$ where $\hbar$ is the reduced Planck constant, $c$ is the speed of light, $k_{\text{B}}$ is the Boltzmann constant, $G$ is the gravitational constant, $M_☉$ is the solar mass, and $M$ is the mass of the black hole.
By taking the limit of $T$ as $M$ goes to zero, the following is found:
$$\lim_{M\to0^+} T=\lim_{M\to0^+}{\hbar c^3\over{8\pi G k_bM}}=+\infty$$
Wouldn't this mean that empty space would have infinite energy? As when $M=0$ the Schwarzschild radius is also $0$, so every point in space would be paradoxically hot. I know I'm probably wrong, I just don't know why I'm wrong.