How do derivatives of fields transform under dilatations?
Specifically I am interested on what I misunderstand with the example:
Consider a theory that has a field $A_\mu$ that transforms under dilatation as $x\to \lambda x$ and $A_\mu(x)\to \lambda^\Delta A_\mu(\lambda x)$. The infinitesimal form of this is $$A_\mu\to A_\mu +\epsilon (x_\sigma\partial^\sigma+\Delta)A_\mu.$$ Now this I find by just setting $\lambda=1+\epsilon$ and expanding to lowest order in $\epsilon$.
Now in equation (20) it is claimed that then also infinitesimally $$F_{\mu\nu}\to F_{\mu \nu}+\epsilon (x_\mu \partial^\mu+\Delta+1)F_{\mu \nu}, \qquad \Delta=(D-2)/2.\tag{20}$$
However I get a different result.
Using $\partial_\mu\to \frac{1}{\lambda}\partial_\mu$ and then expanding $\frac{1}{\lambda}\partial_\nu \lambda^\Delta A_\mu(\lambda x)$ with $\lambda =1+\epsilon$ to lowest order in $\epsilon$ I find
$$F_{\mu\nu}\to F_{\mu \nu}+\epsilon (x_\mu \partial^\mu+\Delta)F_{\mu \nu}$$
the $1/\lambda$ cancels the additional one they get.
What am I doing wrong?