Consider a time independent system coupled to a Markovian bath, the equation of motion for the density matrix of the system has to take the form
\begin{equation} \dot{\rho} = - i \left[H,\rho\right] - \sum_m \left(c_m^{\dagger}c_m\rho+ \rho c_m^{\dagger}c_m - 2 c_m \rho c_m^{\dagger}\right). \end{equation}
I will call this a Lindblad master equation (LME). This equation describes the full deterministic dynamics of the density matrix, including decoherence and dissipation.
Alternatively, one can follow the trajectory of a pure state by means of a stochastic Schrödinger equation (SSE). The LME can be obtained by taking the ensemble average of the SSE over noise realizations. Different types of noise in an SSE can correspond to the same LME. For instance, the SSE
\begin{equation} \textrm{d}\lvert \psi \rangle = \left[-i H \textrm{d}t - \sum_m \left(c_m^{\dagger}c_m - \langle c_m^{\dagger}c_m \rangle \right)\textrm{d}t +\sum_m \xi_m\left(\frac{c_m}{\sqrt{\langle c^{\dagger}_m c_m \rangle}}-1\right) \right]\lvert\psi\rangle \end{equation}
describes a possible unraveling of the above LME. Here the $\xi_m$ are binary random increments that satisfy $\xi_m\xi_n = \delta_{nm}\xi_m$ and $\langle\langle\xi_m \rangle\rangle = 2\langle c^{\dagger}_m c_m \rangle \textrm{d}t$, where the double brackets indicate ensemble average over noise realizations.
Numerical simulation of an ensemble of SSEs can be advantageous over simulation of an LME as the number of entries of the density matrix scales as $N^2$ where $N$ is the dimension of the Hilbert space.
$\textbf{Question}$: if the system is continuously monitored AND damped, the evolution of the density matrix will become conditioned on the (random) measurement record and correspondingly a stochastic term is added to the master equation (making it a stochastic master equation, i.e. SME) which encodes the back-action of the measurement on the system. Can an equivalent formulation in terms of an SSE can be found? Are there any caveats? It seems to me that this must be the case as generalized measurements and decoherence are closely related.
If this is the case, there will now be two types of stochastic terms in the SSE, describing the damping and the measurement respectively. Can the SME be simulated by averaging the SSE only with respect to the "damping noise"?
In particular, in Kurt Jacobs' book on quantum measurement theory in chapter 4.3.4 there is a section titled "Monte Carlo method for Stochastic Master Equations" which describes an algorithm that involves evolving the Schmidt coefficients of the density matrix as well. Why does this need to be done in the case of continuous measurement AND damping while it is not necessary when considering either of the two?