I'm not sure if I understood what you mean.
You want to know why the Lorentz force is given by,
\vec F = q \vec v \times \vec B
instead of
\vec F = q\vec v + \vec B\,,
am I right? For a start, the second equation is not dimensionally correct. It would if $\vec B$ would be a generic outer force and $q$ would be some fluid friction coefficient, but neither of those quantities are such. $q$ is a charge, $\vec v$ is a velocity and $\vec B$ is a magnetic field. They are not forces, and should be not treated as forces.
This is the reason why the second equation is wrong. As for the reason why the first equation is right, the best answer i can give you is just "because". It is just a fact, an axiom you base electromagnetism on. You could reprhase it in term of other axioms regarding the simmetry of reality between electric forces and magnetic forces, using field theoretical arguments (e.g. introducing the electromagnetic tensor $F_{\mu\nu}$ and its coupling to the 4-current $J_\mu$), but there is no specific reason (as far as we know) by which reality should have these symmetries rather than others.