Say we have a rigid body with a body-fixed coordinate system XYZ and an inertial coordinate system (North - East - Down) XoYoZo. If we use the x-y-z convention and rotate the body fixed frame first around the Zo axis, then the Yo and then Xo we end up with multiplying the three rotations to get a transformation matrix R = CzCyCx (where C is the general rotation matrix around a certain axis). R is the transformation matrix to describe how is the body oriented with regard to the inertial frame. This matrix can also be used for the linear velocity vector transformation.
What I cannot understand is why this matrix cannot be used for describing how the angular velocities result on the body frame with respect to the inertial frame? Instead, the matrix is:
$$\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \sin\phi\tan\theta & \cos\phi\tan\theta \\ 0 & \cos\phi & -\sin\phi \\ 0 & \sin\phi/\cos\theta & \cos\phi/\cos\theta \end{pmatrix} $$
,where $\phi$ and $\theta $ describe the orientation of the body fixed frame with respect to the earth fixed frame around the X and Y axes. I have hard time understanding why the angular velocity around the Z axis is not part of the transformation matrix? Also in general, as I stated, why a rotation around the three axes (like the matrix for linear velocity) wouldn't work for the angular velocity vector?
I am sorry for the so what badly formulated question but I am not sure how to express my perplexity otherwise.