I'm not really sure if this is the place to ask this, but anyway here is my question:
Let's say I have the Kepler orbital elements of the ISS, for example, (NASA stuff). Now I want to compute the coordinates relative to the earth at a specific time so that it can be displayed, like in a sky map (I am actually experimenting with Google Sky Map).
I found many websites discussing Kepler orbital elements, but I have only found 2 pdf's that talk about this conversion:
http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~newhouse/p210/orbits/cometreport.pdf and I can't post a 3rd link yet.
I do not fully understand which values I need to calculate, and which are given by NASA.
I am also assuming that the data given by NASA is valid for the vector time provided, meaning that time obviously has to come into the calculations somewhere.
Thanks, I would appreciate some clarification.