As explained on Wikipedia, the nice tensor form of the equations is
$$ \mathbf{I} \cdot \dot{\boldsymbol\omega} + \boldsymbol\omega \times \left( \mathbf{I} \cdot \boldsymbol\omega \right) = \mathbf{M} $$
This reduces to your equations if one diagonalizes the tensor of the moment of inertia $I$ and labels the diagonal entries etc.
The three components are mixed with each other because quantities like $\vec\omega$ and $\vec M$ are really associated with rotations in space and rotations around the axis $x,y,z$ don't commute with each other – unlike translations. Translations commute with each other which is why the 3 components in $\vec F=m\vec a$ don't mix with each other.
For example, take the Earth, rotate it by 90 degrees around the $x$ axis, then 90 degrees around $y$ axis, then you rotate back by 90 degrees but first around $x$ axis again, so that you aren't undoing the $y$ rotation immediately, but then you undo the $y$ rotation, too. You don't get back where you have been: instead, you end up rotating the Earth around the $z$ axis. We say that rotations form the group $SO(3)$ which is non-abelian, $gh\neq hg$. The moment of force wants to rotate the rigid body around an axis but because it was already rotating around another axis given by $\vec \omega$ and the rotations don't commute with each other, the effect of the moment of force also influences the "remaining third" component.
A natural way to write the vectors $\vec \omega, \vec M$ is actually an "antisymmetric tensor" – they're "pseudovectors", not actual vectors. At any rate, when you correctly derive the equations, you should reproduce what Euler got.