I am trying to find material stiffness matrix for linear elasticity for finite element code,
$$\mathbf{\sigma} = \lambda \hspace{1pt} \operatorname{tr}{\left(\mathbf{\epsilon}\right)}+ 2\mu\mathbf{\epsilon} \,,$$
where $\mathbf{\sigma,\epsilon}$ are Cauchy stress and corresponding conjugate strain respectively; both being second order tensors. $\operatorname{tr}\left(\mathbf{\epsilon} \right)$ is trace of the tensor.
I want to find
$$\frac{\partial \mathbf{\sigma}}{\partial\mathbf{\epsilon}}$$
Considering stress and strain as $6 {\times} 1$ column vectors, I started like this:
$$ \begin{align} \mathbb{C_{ij}}& =\frac{\partial {\sigma_{i}}}{\partial{\epsilon_{j}}} \\[2.5px] & = \frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}} \left(\lambda\epsilon_{i} + 2\mu\epsilon_{i} \right) \\[2.5px] & =\lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}}\epsilon_{i} + 2\mu\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}}\epsilon_{i} \\[2.5px] & =\left( \lambda + 2 \mu \right)\delta_{ij} \end{align} $$
However, $\mathbb{C_{ij}}$ is given differently – as 6x6 matrix in here.
(Note: The above equations are in incremental form in reality, but I just avoided that notation.)
Can someone comment what is wrong in my derivation and what material stiffness matrix is right to use?
After answer from Chemomechanics, I understood the problem, and rewrite the equation in 2 cases.
Case 1: $i=1,2,3$
$$ \lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}}(\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 + \epsilon_3) + 2\mu\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}}\epsilon_{i} \\[2.5px] =\lambda\frac{\partial}{\partial \epsilon_{j}}(\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 + \epsilon_3) + 2\mu\delta_{ij}$$
Can someone comment how the first part simplifies really? Final version is given in the answer, I am trying to reach there.