The Area Theorem by Hawking assumes the null-energy condition (NEC) holds, however, it seems QFT in curved space-time violates NEC. I tried to explicitly observe the NEC is indeed violated when there is a scalar field in the Schwarzschild background. For a scalar field in an arbitrary background, the energy-momentum tensor is:
It is straightforward to see $j^a=-T^{a}_{b}V^{b}$ for every $V$, a future-directed time-like vector, $j^a$ is future-directed causal. So the dominant energy holds and therefore, NEC also holds. I am wondering to know how QFT can actually violate this NEC since if it is not the case, the area theorem has to hold in this case. My question is this:
Is it in some senses true that QFT generically violates NEC?
As a consequence of Hawking radiation, it seemed to be true for me because it seems that Hawking radiation occurs once a quantum field turns on and the only assumption in the Area theorem that can be violated is the NEC.